Small Craft Lifts
Lifts, docks and accessories for launching your kayak, canoe or other small craft.
Launching your kayak, canoe, sunfish, or other small craft from your dock can be a difficult task, especially if your water level fluctuates. We have a variety of products to help you easily and safely launch your kayak or other small craft from your dock.

Launch Port Lift
Small craft lift that raises over 6 feet, so you can easily launch from your dock.
Click for details & pricing

Launch Port System
Residential launch dock designed for sites with minimal water fluctuation.
Click for details & pricing

Residential Floating Launch Systems
Easily launch your kayak or canoe from your dock with our floating launch system.
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Kayak Lift & Launch
Raises & lowers so you can safely launch from your seawall or permanent dock.
Three Models: Click to Learn More