PWC & Small Craft Boat Lifts
Cantilever lift for PWC and boats from 1,000 lb to 1,200 lbs.
The Dock Doctors offers a variety of options for lifting and storing your small crafts. Featuring RGC aluminum PWC lifts ranging in size from 1,000 lb. to 1,200 lb. capacity.
- 1,000 lb. & 1,200 lb. capacity cantilever models
- Stainless steel hardware & cables
- Polymer pulley sheaves prolong cable life
- Dual mounting winch (left or right side)
- 15 Year Limited Warranty
- 1,250 lb. vertical & 2,000 lb. hydraulic models also available
Launching a kayak, canoe or other small craft? See our exclusive Launch Port Lift that raises over 5 1/2 feet.

Cantilever-style PWC lift

Cantilever style PWC boat lifts

Vertical PWC lift

Small craft cantilever style boat lift

Vertical PWC lift with electric drive

Cantilever small craft boat lift for a sailboat

Vertical PWC lifts

PWC boat lift (cantilever style)

Vertical boatlift for a sailboat

Launch Port Lift for kayaks, canoes and other small crafts

Our exclusive launch port lift