Floating Boathouse Foundations
We custom design floating boathouse foundations.
When a permanent support structure is not feasible for your boathouse (due to fluctuating water levels), we custom design floating boathouse foundations & support structures for boathouses.
We will build your design or ours, and distance is not a factor in consideration of having us build your boathouse. We cover the entire Northeast and are equipped with a portable workboat and we often will pre-fabricate or "kit" boathouse structures in our state of the art manufacturing facility to expedite the time on site.

U-shaped boat slip in our floating boathouse foundation

U-shaped boat slip in our floating boathouse foundation

Floating foundation for boathouse - ideal for sites with fluctuating water levels

Floating boathouse foundation & support structure (wooden boathouse structure by others)

Floating foundation and boathouse support structure during production in our shop

Floating foundation and boathouse support structure being erected on site

Floating foundation and boathouse support structure being erected on site

Floating foundation and boathouse support structure being erected prior to being floated to permanent site

Floating foundation and boathouse support structure in place

Floating foundation and boathouse support structure being erected prior to being floated to permanent site

Floating foundation and boathouse support structure in place

Floating dock designed to support steel frame boathouse

Completed boathouse with wood frame roof applied

Completed boathouse with wood frame roof applied

Floating boathouse foundation & support structure (wooden boathouse structure by others)

Floating boathouse foundation & support structure (wooden boathouse structure by others)

Floating boathouse foundation & support structure (wooden boathouse structure by others)

U-shaped boat slip in our floating boathouse foundation

Floating foundation and boathouse support structure during production in our shop

Completed boathouse with wood frame roof applied

Floating foundation and boathouse with open style roof

Floating foundation and boathouse with open style roof

Floating foundation and boathouse support structure in place